I belong to a small village of Coochbehar, West Bengal, India. I am a masters in Environmental Science. From my childhood, nature has always inspired me. The life and death of a grasshopper, the flashing green hue of a bee-eater, the sound of smashing dry leaves on a forest floor in spring always kept me enthralled.
So, in photography, I had no other option except to choose nature photography. In 2008 I started nature photography.Β
My pictures are published in various national and international magazines like Sanctuary Asia & BBC Wildlife Magazine, and I have received many national and international awards in wildlife photography competitions. I am the only Indian wildlife photographer who has won the “Wildlife Photographer of the year” consecutively two times. This award is popularly known as the “Oscar of wildlife photography”. In 2019, I was the winner in the “Portrait” category and in 2020 I won the “Wildlife portfolio” category.
I want to spread awareness through my photography and work.


π 2023-Winner of “Conservation Award” Β in the “Bird Photographer of the Year” competition, London, UK.
π β2022- Runner-up in the “Peoples Choice” award in Nature Photographer of the Year, Netherlands.
π 2022- Highly Commended in “Wildlife Photographer of the Year” Urban Wildlife category, London.UK
π 2022- Highly Commended in “Asferico” wildlife photography competition, Italy.
π 2022- Highly Commended in “Nature in focus” competition, India.
π 2022- Jury selection in the “Photostory” category in Nature in focus competition, India.
π 2021- “Category Winner” in Close-up Photographer of the Year competition, UK.
π 2021- Highly commended in “Nature Photographer of the Year”, Netherlands.
βπ 2020- Winner of the “Wildlife Photographer of The Year”(NHM WPY56), “Wildlife Portfolio” category.
π 2020- Winner of “Indian Photography Awards”, Nature category.
π 2020- Runner up “Nature in focus”– wildlife photography contest, “Conservation issue” category.
π β2019- Winner of the “Wildlife Photographer of The Year”(NHM WPY55), “Animal Portrait” category.
π 2019- Runner up “Indian Photography Awards”, “Nature” category.
π 2019- Finalist in “DJMPC” photography contest.
π β2018- Finalist in “International Garden Photographer of the Year”(IGPOTY), Kew gardens, U.K.
π 2018- Finalist in “Sanctuary Wildlife Photography Awards”.
π 2018- Finalist in “WIPA-18”, a wildlife photography contest by Better Photography magazine.
π β2017- Grand prize winner of “Wildlife photo of the year” contest.
π 2017- Finalist in “Sanctuary Wildlife Photography Awards”.
π 2017- Winner in “CLAW” wildlife photography contest, in “Creative” category.
π 2017- Runner up in “CLAW” wildlife photography contest, in “Action” category.
π β2016- Third prize in “Sanctuary wildlife photography awards”.
π 2016- Winner in “DCP annual photography contest”, “Natural history” category.
π 2016- Second and third prize winner in “CAPA-2016”.
π β2015- Winner of “CLAW” wildlife photography contest, “Birds” category.
π 2015- Winner of “DCP annual photography contest, “Best of the team” category.
π β2013- Second prize in “Raju Harkae Memorial” photography contest.
π β2012- Winner of “Youpic” photo contest.
βAnd many more.